What if NBC had covered the ancient games?

When we come back – we’ll talk to Milo of Kroton who will be going for an unprecedented sixth Olympic wrestling championship.

“Milo, you won here first in 540 BCE as a boy. It’s 24 years later and you’re going for a sixth championship. What are your thoughts on your opponents?”

“Well, Bob, I never worry about my opponent. My goal is to force my style on him.”

“It’s been said that you are the strongest of all wrestlers. What is your workout routine?”

“This rock weighs 326 pounds. I’ll curl it several times and then bench it a couple dozen more.”

“Wow, I can’t even budge that.”
“I understand that the past couple of years have been pretty eventful for you.”

“Well, first there was the attack on our town. A neighboring city attacked and I put on my Olympic crowns, dressed like Herakles and led my fellow citizens to victory.”
“Then last year there was the incident at Pythagorean Hall. The roof started to collapse and I held the center column until everyone else in the hall escaped. Then, thanks to the great god Zeus, I was able to escape before the roof completely collapsed.”

“Amazing. Milo, good luck in the finals.”

“Thanks, Bob.”

“When we come back – an interview with Michael Phelps’ kindergarten teacher.”
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